Getting back in the swing

So I got an update about my fertility window starting this week and a part of me was so excited and the other part of me actually cringed at the idea . 
I had a miscarriage two weeks ago so the wounds are still very fresh . Having sex with my husband is LITERALLY the last thing on my mind. And that made me think , well when is the right time ? It's not like he's begging me to have sex with him or show sexual interest , because I'm sure he's removing from the lost too , but is it normal for me to not want to jump his bones ?? 
To add to that we are preparing for a deployment next month for a year . So morally I'm like ... Is it okay to bid him fair well with nearly two months now of no physical intimacy . I don't know , I feel bad but I don't know how to get past the feeling of disgust with myself , so be attractive. . I feel like it'll all be forced. And I know he won't make any advances because he understand that I don't feel attractive right now . How do I get back in the swing of being sexy to myself so that it can taper over into my relationship ? 
Am I the only one that feels like this ?