I don’t know what’s going on

Hi guys! I hope y’all doing fine :)

I know I need help but I don’t know where to start and how to start. I need a perspective to help me out of this hell inside my head.

I used to be super active - busy life, hard working, super confident, lots of friends, sexually active, lots of partners, always in a good mood, always excited, obsessed about exercising and having a healthy life - and this has drastically changed from the past couple years.

I’m quite the opposite person now: demotivated, I don’t have even half of the friends I used to have, I don’t feel happy and it’s always hard to feel thrilled about something or excited, my body changed a lot and even worse - gained a little weight.

I’ve got to the point I can barely stare at myself in the mirror because I hate what I see. I don’t feel beautiful and confident anymore, not at all.

I barely have a social life, I’m working only for the obligations and to pay my bills, I didn’t go on a date in months because besides not feeling confident, I don’t feel any excitement about meeting new people.

I’ve been on therapy for a while and I don’t see any difference, sometimes I don’t even want to go there because I don’t feel like I’m getting help. This saddens me a lot, I’m still young (24) and I don’t want go forward with getting drunk and high every week to numb this feelings and forget at least for a moment what I’m going through.