
I just want to know what people’s experiences were? I’ve been feeling really shaky and “out of it” all day, I’ve had plenty of sleep, plenty of sugar, I’ve eaten and drank loads yet I still feel like absolute rubbish! I just feel Week and horrible, like if I get up I’ll tremble! My baby is moving fine he’s laid in his usual position so I can’t see it being down to a nerve or anything, I’m passing nothing but loose stools and have been for a week, feel like I’m never off the toilet (tmi sorry) but I just want to know if anyone else has felt like this? I’m 37+5 I’ve also been tested for preE and I haven’t got it and that was only on Friday when I came out of hospital (I was in for reduced fm)

Update: I have had my GTT done everything is normal I definitely don’t have diabities and my BP is normal and my bloods checked for everything nothing is out of the ordinary!