I’m in another depressive funk and don’t know how to tell him

I’m currently 28w2d pregnant and my boyfriend is incredible. Absolutely the love of my life and I seriously could not ask for anyone better, ever. We moved about two months ago to be closer to my family for when our son arrives, and ever since then, the depression and anxiety I’d been able to keep at bay has gotten really out of control.

I barely go anywhere anymore (except essentially to prenatal appointments and very occasionally the grocery store) because I’m not working right now. He’s fine with being the breadwinner and understands not many people really want to hire pregnant ladies, and that this pregnancy in general hasn’t been very easy on my body and that resting is probably best at this point.

But he finally called me out tonight on “shutting down” because I straight up refused to make a quick run to Walmart. He didn’t do it in a mean way at all and seemed like he was trying to be loving and supportive, but tried to just explain that he was confused and frustrated on why I’d changed so much.

I don’t know how to tell him I think I’ve fallen back into a fairly substantial depression and that my anxiety over literally everything has absolutely CONSUMED me. I know he’ll understand once he hears it and he’ll just want me to get help. I just don’t know how to tell him.

He’s currently out running the errand on his own but before he left he gave me a hug and said he’s thankful that we have each other. I didn’t say anything, just pulled back to lay down and cuddle with my service dog. He asked why I seemed so down and I told him I wasn’t.