Struggling Christian who’s thinking about giving away their virginity

Hi I’m fairly new to this app, like just got It an hour ago. I’m catholic, born and sorta raised. My parents didn’t do a great job raising me in the faith, it wasn’t until I got older and went to catholic school and became more invested in my faith. I’m 18 and Still a Virgin and virginity has always meant a lot to me. I didn’t know if I wanted to wait for marriage or wait until I really love someone but for a while I wanted to wait for marriage. I’ve done other stuff like oral and hand stuff but not sex and it’s getting difficult to keep playing the fence like this. As of now my faith is at an all time low and It’s been like this for a few months. I’ve had little to no desire to go to church and confession and fix my faith despite people telling me I need to. Some days I want to wait for marriage to have sex because of the statistics and try to have the best marriage and relationship. With my faith failing it’s really getting to me that I just wished I didn’t have to worry about my virginity. There definitely are pros to being a Virgin, a lot of my friends look up to me because I’ve waited and I dont want to be used by a guy. Having friends my age look up to me makes me feel worse about wanting to just get rid of my virginity. Sometimes I wish I already got rid of it and I was like the normal teens my age, and sometimes I’m really glad that I didn’t experience someone breaking my heart if I were to have sex with them, and worry about being pregnant and feeling good about myself that i have made it this far. I’ve made it to college a Virgin but I don’t know how my life will be 4 years down the road.