What would you do?

My son's father and I split in 2014, a month after he turned 2. He was a liar, a cheater, an abuser, and just an over all terrible father. He got another woman pregnant 3 months after my son and I left. He did the same stuff to her, and now he isn't with her either. Fast forward to 2018, over 4 years later... He is almost 27 years old, lives with his grandparents still (after he accidentally burned down his grandpa's old house by starting a snowmobile in the garage; my child had just left 4 hours prior from visitation that day too), works a seasonal job because he does not want to work in the winter (his whole family except his aunt and step mom work seasonal jobs on purpose), doesn't pay bills, always tries to get me to terminate or lower child support, and is more worried about his newly 21 year old gf (she was 17 when he cheated on his other child's mom with her), drinking, partying, and hanging out with his underage friends than actually creating a bond with his 2 sons. His grandmother, who is in her mid 60's, is the one that has been taking care of both children during HIS 'companionship period' and does the picking up and dropping off. He has been to 1 parent/teacher conference since my son started school in 2016. My son has been acting up in school badly; not following directions, lashing out, telling his guidance counselor that he was going to spank her butt, pulling his pants down during snack, etc. Not too long ago he walked out of the bathroom and I asked him to zip his zipper. My 6yo's response? "My dad taught me to leave my barn door open for the ladies." Y'all. My child, my 6 year old child, should not be taught or saying this stuff and I don't know what to do. I want to petition the court for full custody, but they failed me once when they gave him weekend visitation. We were in court for 9 months back and forth for custody. We were assigned a guardian ad litem and mediation, but they did nothing. He called me a cunt in front of my child and when I brought that to their attention, they told me they WERE JUST WORDS. But in front of my 2 year old at the time?!! I don't have the money for a lawyer because my fiance and I just bought a home and have a baby on the way. I just don't know what to do. I need some advice, or just something to let me know I will get through this. I just can't handle it anymore.