Lost mucus plug /bloody show


Last night I was feeling alot of pressure, no pain. Went to get checked out to play it safe since I'm only 35 weeks and 5 days. I was checked 3 centimeters, -1 and 60 percent effaced so they kept me for an hour to watch for progress. I was having contractions every 5-7 minutes for an hour. They checked me again and there wasn't any change so I went home. I was having spotting from the check but not bad so I went to bed. Woke up this morning lost my mucus plug and had bloody show. I feel like there was a handful of mucus with it so I don't see it growing back haha. Anyways that was 8 hours ago. I'm having Braxton Hicks but nothing painful or consistent. I thought for sure today was baby day. Now I'm not sure.... This is baby number 4. I had lost my plug with my other 3 and went into labor within 24 hours. I almost instantly started feeling cramping with the others. Not this time.... Wondering what to expect...