I need help please!


So I'm a second time mom. I breast fed my first born but only for a short time. My milk supply dried up due to undiagnosed hypothyroid and thyroid cancer. It was so short lived I literally forgot most of it. This time I am determined to do it! I am properly medicated and producing ! I had my second son on Nov. 30th! My milk came in today! Swelled up and got warm and started leaking. I was so excited I fed him immediately, he had a hard time cause I was really swollen.. and it was so freaking painful I was crying. My nips are highly chapped from him going to town and them being new to it again but.. omg the pain.

Then he peacefully went to sleep and about 45 mins later I felt the milk let down again so I decided to pump. It wasnt as painful but it wasnt nice. I actually got out 3oz! I was so excited! But my boobs never relaxed. They are still rather hard, especially in my right boob next to my armpit. Almost lump like, but I don't wanna say that.. Tried to feed my son and it was so painful that I actually had to stop. Thankfully I had the 3oz from when I pumped! I don't want to get myself crazy thinking it's something it's not (like infection). So I'm asking is this normal? Am I just overly sensitive? Is there a way to relieve the pain? Or maybe stop my baby Purana from killing my nips? I had a lactation nurse come into my room at the hospital and really show me a proper latch cause I wasnt sure, so I know that's 1 thing that it isn't at least..

Please and thank you so much!