Dwindling supply???

Nicole • 21// baby boy born 9/24 💙 // engaged💍

So I’m EBF my son, he is 10 weeks old and breastfeeding has been fantastic so far! I had to start pumping once or twice a day while at work so he can eat obviously but I feed him on demand straight from the breast except when I’m at work. I had an oversupply I guess getting about 8-12oz every time I pump. Yesterday I noticed I only pumped foremilk on one side and only himdmilk on the other (pic)

Which wasn’t a big deal I just mixed them and froze them

Well today I pumped for 20 minutes at work and this is literally all I got

Could this be a diet issue?? Or water?? What could cause my supply to go down so drastically? He hadn’t eaten for 31/2 hours when I pumped this. Please help :(