Annoying sex drive

eLLee • Emilee. 25. Married. TTC #1. Follow my infertility journey on YouTube down below!

I’ve always had a very low sex drive. I think it’s from the anti depressants I’m taking. (I HAVE to take them or I’ll end up suicidal) but now we’re trying for a baby and I’m never in the mood to have sex. Like ever. He’s embarrassed that I keep rejecting him and I don’t mean to, but I’ll end up saying I’m tired or I’ve had a long day or I don’t feel good. He obviously knows somethings up and I feel so bad. I’m attracted to him and I love him so much and he is so good at making love but fuck man. I just don’t feel like it. I’m ovulating tomorrow and we haven’t even had sex yet. We have sex maybe 3 times a month. He’s obviously jacking off when I’m not around and that’s cool, as long as he’s not cheating. We’ve talked about it and at this point, I’m thinking I might have to see a sex therapist. It might be deeper than my pills. But a lot of times it actually hurts me. Yes we use lube and yes he goes slow. My gynecologist even said my vagina is very small and even she hurts me when I get a Pap smear. It literally feels like I’m losing my virginity over and over and over again. Does anyone else have this issue? I don’t want it to start taking a toll on our marriage.