talisa • 26. Business owner 💎. Married👰🏾. Mommy to one beautiful 5.5 y/o little girl 💕 #2 due 6/2016 👶🏾
I woke up this morning with dull cramps, and feeling like I would have to poop (TMI) as I would before my period. With my first child, I felt my uterus actually stretching and tugging.. Can implantation be felt in different ways? This has got me excited. But don't wanna work myself up. I don't get period cramps until 1-2 days prior to AF, which is due 8/27. Also, do implantation cramps last all day? I can't remember... It only lasted maybe 2 hours. 
UPDATE: 12pm pinching in left ovary, super slight tugging on right