Day 21 blood work inaccurate??? Help


So looking for advice. Recently went to have blood work to see if I ovulated but I had gotten a positive ovulation test on day 19 which was the sat before thanksgiving. Was already supposed to have blood work on day 21 which was Monday. I called the Dr to make sure she still wanted me to do it and not wait a few days and she said no bc the test might not have been correct on my ovulation. BUT the positive was a few days after I typically get positives and I had actually stopped testing bc i thought I had missed it. The only reason I tested is bc I had cramps only on my left side, sure enough when I tested it was blazing positive. Well she said do blood work anyway. Of course the results came back that I didn’t ovulate and she’s now talking about medication to make me ovulate. Has anyone else had this happen? That they felt sure they ovulated and the blood work was just done too soon? Bc AF also came later then it normally does. Do you ask for another order to try and test after a positive ovulation test?? Help