Discouraged BF


My baby is 7 days old and I’m getting discouraged . I had a C-section and my milk didn’t come in for 3 days. In the meantime I supplemented with formula, pumped and latched baby but she always falls asleep like I’m a pacifier . I’ve tried taking her clothes off so she is not that comfortable but stlll falls asleep . I decided to pump every 2-3 hours to give to her in bottle and I pump so little , my best Is 1.5 oz. from both breast and worst is .5 from both 🤦🏻‍♀️. Don’t know what to do if I don’t get anymore , she will starve . Makes me want to quit. 😞 . My plan was to only give breast milk by latching and pumping but my baby has to eat and with my supply she will be hungry and miserable . Don’t know what yo do .