Need someone to relate..


So I am 32 weeks and am having my first child. When I first became pregnant me and my husband were excited/nervous/ecstatic, all the things many of us share, but we started fighting a lot. Little things here and there would make me insecure about not only my physical appearance but mentally. So instead of focusing on the baby growing inside of me, I felt like I was tip toeing around trying to not start any sort of argument with my husband. My issue is, I feel like this pregnancy was everything but what I wanted it to be. I didn’t feel as if these last 9 months were much about me, but always led back to him. I just don’t have any excitement there that everyone mentions having when you are getting ready to have a child.. especially your first! I don’t feel that deep love or connection with my baby inside of me and it scares me.. every time someone asks me if I’m excited I hesitate and say yes, but excitement is the last term I would use.. I’m nervous which is to be expected, but also just really broken down from this entire pregnancy to the point it doesn’t make me want to do it ever again.. please someone tell me things will get better, I am honestly scared of the post pardum depression and expecting it to hit me hard. I just want my body back and to rewind these last 8 months..