First scan tomorrow and scared

Erica • 37 yr old Two mom family. #1:Lily, born July 2016, #2: Anthony, born July 2019. We've been together since 2009 and married in 2013.

I have my first scan for this pregnancy tomorrow at 7wk + 2days and I am so scared. A little back story... I got pregnant in early July and my numbers started off strong but platued and then dropped and I started bleeding... Since I'm seeing a RE they were having me get regular blood tests until my hcg reached 0... Except that it very unexpectedly shot up again and I got the call as I was driving to the airport to flirt out of state. My doctor told me that there was zero chance of this being a successful pregnancy, more likely I still had some tissue that was growing irregularly and needing with my numbers but since I was flying out of town I would have to wait a week for a scan and more answers. At that scan they could not locate any tissue anywhere (not in my uterus, tubes or ovaries and I was far enough they should have been able to see something) but my numbers where still rising. It was classified as a pregnancy of unknown origin and I had a methyotrexate injection to stop the multiplying tissue (most likely in my abdomen). This is still considered an ectopic pregnancy and the chance of a repeat are quite high. Got my bfp for this pregnancy on November 11 and have been so scared that I'm going to get bad news tomorrow. I haven't had any pain, cramping or bleeding and my numbers have been great but I can't maker that voice in my head shut up! Just asking for a little positivity from all of you in the form of prayers our well wishes to get me through until morning!