"Threatened Miscarriage"

Hello, I am a 27 year old married lover of Jesus but I am so angry and sad and confused right now that I just don't know what to do. After just under six months of TTC I found out I was pregnant about 2 weeks ago. I was thrilled. I literally thought I couldn't get pregnant and then low and behold I was looking at a positive pregnancy test. I got it confirmed at my primary care doctor and I had my first OB scheduled for early September. Sunday night I started bleeding. Not a lot but it concerned me. A nurse said to rest and what other symptoms to look for and seek medical care. After sleeping for a few hours I woke up with more blood and some cramps. I was instructed to go to the ER. My husband and I were there till 3am.  We saw our baby on the ultrasound and it measured five weeks six days.
 They said everything was ok, discharged me with a threatened miscarriage, and told me to rest and follow up at the OB later this week. I went two days with no blood or anything. Now all of the sudden more blood and some cramps. I'm terrified. I can't even pray anymore. I know God is in control, and that's what makes me angry. I'm so scared this is the early signs of a miscarriage, and I can't even pray for God to save my baby because of it. I'm so confused.