Wants to try breast milk!!


So my little boy is now a month old and we have been breastfeeding since day 1. It was super hard those first couple of weeks but things seem to have settled in to place now, and I am loving being a breastfeeding mummy!

My daughter who is 8 has been so intrigued by the whole breastfeeding process. She has had loads of super funny and cute questions. Like why do I need those pads in my bra, can I smell it (my breast milk) or I dare you to taste it.

Then it got me thinking, my little girl fully admits to wanting to taste my breastmilk, probably out of curiosity more than anything. But it just makes me cringe the idea of her, me or anyone drinking it. How weird is it that we happily and normally drink another animals breast milk (cow) but when it comes to our own, that is fully intended for humans, it makes many of us feel funny!

Just my random thoughts bored on maternity leave 😂