Please help- wasn’t sure where to post this💜

shannon • MC2018-Liam2019-Luke2022

So long story short I had a D and C Nov 13 for a blighted ovum at 8 weeks 4 days. I had been tracking my HCG through pregnancy test which for the first two weeks were extremely positive but then started to fade I attached a picture of my test to this (the first picture was taken this Monday) Last Friday I started to bleed a little bit heavier than my D and C bleeding was. My husband and I did wait two weeks and had sex which was 10 days ago today today I took a pregnancy test and it is now positive. I do not have my hopes up at all that I am pregnant again but I just want to know if anyone has any advice I go tomorrow to the OB/GYN for my post op appointment but I am a nervous wreck now thank you so much and I as always I’m so sorry that we’re all in this group.

This was my my test today below this was 10 days after sex

I know in my heart that this is not a new pregnancy but after going through a miscarriage you kind of hold onto any hope you have I will be going to the doctors tomorrow and hopefully getting a blood test done so any advice is appreciated thank you all so much.🌈💜❤️