Hardest Job

Being a parent is hard. So many things to worry about and so much conflicting information.

Does self soothing actually work or do we just think it does? Is the baby really soothed to sleep or did they just fall asleep because they were over tired and maybe felt abandoned? Is it better to sleep train so they get enough sleep? If so, which method is best? And at what age? Or is bed sharing better? Does that help them grow up feeling safe and secure?

Is it okay to nurse to sleep? What if that's the only time your baby will actually eat well without getting distracted? How long should your baby be in your room next to your bed? Should they be in their own room right away so they can't smell mom and want to eat again? When should they stop being swaddled? What if they keep waking themselves up? But they say the movement at night is important for developing motor skills? Is the room too warm or cold?

Are we taking baby outside enough? Is it too cold? Is it too warm? Is it too sunny? What about getting sick? Is it good to expose your baby to some germs or should the pacifier be sanitized every time it hits the floor?

Is baby getting enough tummy time? What if they don't like it and cry? Will that make them associate it with bad feelings? Should we play music more or less often? What kind of music? Are we reading and talking to them enough? Should they be left alone (in a safe place) while awake for a bit so they don't get overstimulated? Are they experiencing enough different textures, colours, activities, people?

Merely a few of the questions I ask myself. Not expecting answers. Just saying that sometimes it's a lot. It's hard to know if you're doing enough and doing things right for your baby. That's all.