Just need to vent *update*


Meet my beautiful baby boy Ben!

* I got the news today that he does in fact have lymphoma cancer 😭😭😭😭 it’s pretty far along. So...I guess I’m just gonna love the shit out of my favorite boy in the world until it’s time to let go.

Hold your lil babies a little tighter and show them how much you love them because you never know how much time is promised. I know one thing though, we’re gonna make everyday count ♥️.

My boyfriend and I bought him when I was sixteen, he’s been the most wonderful gift I could of ever asked for. Recently I’ve noticed he can’t keep his eyes open and has been drinking water like it’s going out of style, this went on for a couple days before I got seriously worried, this morning he just wouldn’t get up so I freaked out and took him to the emergency room. Our vet noticed all of his lymph nodes were swollen, I thought a couple months ago he had an infection from a sore he had, so I didn’t think too much into it at the time and they were very small, but she showed me and they are huge maybe the size of golf balls, I never noticed because he’s just so wrinkly. I’m waiting for testing to come back because she most definitely thinks it’s some sort of lymphoma cancer.

I’ve had him for 8 years, I’m so scared to hear I might lose my best friend. He’s more than a dog but my buddy, we’ve grown together, he’s been there for my first apartment, my first car, my first heartbreak everything. I love him like he’s my son. So I guess I’m just wishing for some good vibes and prayer. I know death is inevitable but I hope I get a couple more years with him!

This is Ben and I love him 💕