Debating to stop BF at night... but I feel lost

Melissa • First born Warner 9/24/18. Fur baby Kaizer 3/26/08

So my LO eats like a champ, born 4 weeks early at 6lbs 9 oz. he has quickly gotten to 11 lbs 7oz + at his 2 month check up. He is def eating enough and I’ve been pumping around 25 oz per day - able to freeze around about 15 oz of it every day or other day. We’ve been mixing formula with my milk 2 oz of each with hopes of him sleeping better. Might be wishful thinking since he’s only 11 week old this Monday (12/10) but I’m going back to work in a week and we’ll i can’t be up all night and be able to process my job 🤪 he’s sleeping pretty well for us so far..

my dilemma.. I’m going back to work in a week, he will be in daycare 10 hours a day and we’re on the road 2 hours a day (to get to and from) so I’m limiting the time I can BF because of all that. And my husband and I are now discussing me not BFing at night because it doesn’t seem to fill LO up and he is up more often than when we give him a bottle. I have mixed feelings.. I sorta feel like I’m giving up sorta feel like a failure but then it might make sense too. And I like sleep. I would still be pumping so I’d have to be up at least once a night anyways..

How do you give up BF-ing and not feel like a failure or you’re letting your LO down? I mean does it really mean that much to them? Do you bond any less not BF-ing? 🥺