First time preseed


Hey ladies! Tonight we used preseed for the first time! First off, i want to say ever since i had my daughter almost 3 years ago it hurts EVERY SINGLE TIME We have sex. I am so happy that it was only SLIGHTLY uncomfortable for like 2 seconds with no foreplay! Second, i haven’t gotten a high opk yet except for this morning with fmu and i know i shouldn’t have used fmu but I’m weird and like to try at different times since I’m getting the hang of it. Smu i got a high but not quite peak and then after that it’s been all negatives still. But all day I’ve been having eggwhite cm like in the picture! Glow says I’m supposed to ovulate in a couple days! I’m gonna try to BD tomorrow too but hubby will be gone working Monday and Tuesday so those are both no go’s. Hoping i get a bfp with this only being able to do it a couple times!