The rant that turned into so much more😡


( I am grateful I am pregnant, but it's truly it's truly hard sometimes and I wouldn't give it up for the world )

I am almost 15 weeks, and the morning sickness hasn't stopped. My doctor gave me something so I could keep food down and gain weight, because I'm underweight now, but it I still get sick occasionally, and it's upsetting, because there is others things as well, I can't sleep at night, I'll wake up in pain because of my hips, sometimes when I dream I feel my hip pain in my dreams. I've been sick this entire pregnancy (with a cold or something) my nose has become so raw that it's starting to bleed. My skin is extremely sensitive/dry as well, I have to put lotion on 3 times a day, my skin is just very dry. I got a yeast infection because of the fabric softener I used as well, I'm just getting upset, plus the dog I've had for about 12 years is not wanting to move anymore so we might have to out him down. I'm just struggling really bad with my anxiety, PTSD, and depression. It's getting to the point I don't want to leave the house anymore. Everytime I go in public something happens I mean the other day my boyfriend and I went to McDonald's and he got a fresh burger off the stove thrown at him and it ended up getting on me too, the person who did it had beef with him, but my boyfriend didn't do anything to make me act out so badly, I know if people have beef they act fake towards each other and keep on with their day. I feel unsafe to go in public, and the other day I saw my abusers sister, and I don't want them to know I'm pregnant for the fact they're going to call me a whore and be immature, I just am very sensitive all ready and take it to heart. All together I'm just struggling, trying hard to keep it together.

Anyways please be nice and don't leave hate. 💓