Am I crazy for thinking that the mom is asking too much for what she is willing to pay?

C • Married❤️ Boy Mom💙 currently expecting #2🤰🏻
There is a mom who only wants to pay $100/w for a full time (in-home) nanny for a three month old baby. The person must have child development credits(schooling), CPR/First Aid certified, and at least three previous nanny job experience. So she expects this perfect/qualified nanny to work 40h/w for only $2.50/h.... 😑
Maybe it's just me and because I'm a nanny, but I think that's ridiculous. Especially at that age. I don't think she'll find someone to her liking who will work for that pay. Plus, you get what you pay for and I would only want the best for my children.
Am I crazy for thinking that the mom is asking too much for what she is willing to pay?
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