Someone please help me!!!


I am depressed if feels like I’m trapped in a room and all the walls are closing in it’s not being sad or being happy it’s being empty and exhausted it’s not enjoying life it surving it feels like I can’t do anything like I can’t move my body’s so numb I can’t brush my hair or get in the shower I feel useless and powerless over my mind and my body my anxiety’s so bad I want to go out but when I’m there I panick I begin to shake and my hearts racing I feel like I’m Going to have a heart attack even tho it’s only a panick attack people think I’m lazy I’m to embarrassed to say what’s going on it makes me feel disgusting I feel like somethings stopping me like I’m being suffocated I just want someone to help all I do is sleep my life away I’m so lonely because my anxiety holds me back but I don’t want to be what do I do ? I want someone to help me but I have nobody to talk to nobody at all so please don’t tell me to talk to a trusted freind cos I have no freinds and I have no family I’m in care and I have nobody