Did I miscarry? Pics are include tmi but I need advice


So I started spotting yesterday brown only when I wiped with minor cramps. 🤷🏼‍♀️ then one time it is was red. Went to the hospital. My hcg was 173 and I’m 4wks 3 days. So she said as of now I was pregnant and to just wait and see if the blood got worse. If so to come back in three days for a redraw for my blood. Well I got home and it went back to brown discharge. I relaxed finally. Then I took a pregnancy test today. The line was dark then the test taken five days ago (pic below) so I finally relaxed! Then I just wiped again. This time red and what I think is a tiny clot in the toilet. (Pics below) obviously imma go to the doctor Wednesday again to check on things to see how my hcg levels are but what is everyone’s opinion? I’ve never miscarried before so I have zero idea of how it should feel or look.

Tests five days apart

Both pics when I wiped and they were copper color red. The other times it was brown

The “clot” I think I saw in the toilet