Pregnant and depressed??

Im 25 weeks along with my first baby girl. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety 10 years ago. I finally caved and started taking Prozac about a year ago and smoked marijuana for my anxiety. After finding out I was pregnant, my doctors and I both agreed that I should ween off the Prozac and the weed. I did and was fine at first but this last month and a half or so, I have not been feeling okay. The last thing I want to do is get back on my medications. I’m trying to wait until after my baby is 6 months because that’s when I plan to stop breastfeeding. I’m just in such a dark place lately.

My life honestly couldn’t be more perfect. After two early losses, I’m finally pregnant. My husband is the most loving and supportive person but he doesn’t really understand depression. I don’t really have hobbies. I have a lot of down time at work and at home. I just clean and sit around scrolling on Facebook. When I’m bored I sleep. I can feel myself spiraling down and it’s scary. I’ve mentioned it to my dr and he agrees it’s best to wait to resume medications. I’ve been sleeping about 14-16 hours a day. I cry all the time. I can’t focus on anything. I try to read and watch movies/tv and I just can’t focus long enough. I get aggravated so easily. I’m just not myself and I’m scared to go into motherhood feeling like this. How do you deal with your depression? I’m trying so hard to pull myself out and I just can’t.