Vanessa's update

Hey ladies. Sorry I've been MIA; I've had a lot to wrap my head around. I had my follow up u/s and saline sonogram last week. The saline sonogram showed the inside of my uterus is great! Unfortunately, I'm back in a holding pattern... Waiting for a referral to an Interventional Radiologist. Apparently, the uterine perforation from the first d&c hasn't healed... It also might have formed into an AVF (Arterial Veinous Fistual).  Basically, if we were to get pregnant right now (which shouldn't happen, as I'm on BCP), I'd be a huge risk of my uterus rupturing. So, the Radiologist is going to take a look & see if she can repair it. Just waiting for the call to book my appointment with her... Hopefully in the next week I'll have more info. Hope you all are well!!