Advice on overnight sleep.


Ozy has been good for soooo long when it came to bedtime. He would go to sleep without an issue and stay asleep until morning. Now he’s waking up around 2-2:45 am consistently every morning and having a very hard time falling back to sleep. Granted, he’s now taking only one nap, but wow, this is a rough transition if that’s what’s causing the motn wake ups. He can take around 1-2 hours to fall back asleep. He won’t even fall asleep right away if I lay him on our bed (I don’t want him getting used to that anyway, but if I leave him in the crib he’ll cry very loudly). I’m praying it’ll pass soon, but I would love to hear from you all.

Btw he takes a 1.5-2 hour nap daily now. Sometimes he’ll give issues to fall asleep and sometimes he won’t.