Cycle help - long post, sorry

This will be a weird post, need help with figuring out my cycle:

My daughter is a very happy accident (got pregnant in 2015).

With that pregnancy, I had sex (condom broke) on Fri, Nov 13, and had very faint positive on Wed, Nov 25th. When I went out doc, they asked for my LMP, I really wasn't keeping track, so I said Nov 1, since it was at the very beginning of the month. That put my EDD at 8/7 and the dating ultrasound put my EDD at 8/8. No other intercourse for months before or after. So seems like I was pretty close in my estimate.

My question is this: based on that info, when do you think I ovulated? I always just thought the 15th (exactly 2 weeks after LMP) and so that means I had my first positive at 10DPO.

Does that sound about right? I'm trying to compare my TWW now vs what happened then, but it's hard since I wasn't tracking or paying attention.

I had implantation spotting on the 19th, so 6 days after sex and 4 days after when I *think* I ovulated.

I'm currently 6DPO on this cycle and absolutely nothing is happening so this thought popped into my head, trying to figure out how it all went down last time I was pregnant.

Sorry if this makes no sense.... Just basically looking to compare and not lose hope during the TWW