Please tell me if I’m wrong! Moms BFF wants to visit at the hospital. Please read


So my moms best friend wants to visit me at the hospital. She used to watch me when I was little and we have a great relationship, however I stayed to everyone no shots no visit some haven’t so they will visit later when baby is stronger she said she got them already. She then told me that her knew “friend “ got his too. She never stays with one guy and the guys she chooses are all sketchy and weird. She’s legally blind so driving at night is a no go, she stayed he would be her ride if I had baby at night. I politely said visiting is only until eight and she can come during the day. Just so that she doesn’t bring him. She stated about four pm when t gets dark. I politely stated “I don’t know him though so I wouldn’t be comfortable having him around “ she just said “oh... ok”. Like I don’t know this guy and she don’t even know him why the hell would I want him around me and my daughter just after giving birth? She’s lucky I’m letting her visit as she’s like family, but not.

Please let me know I’m not wrong here and this is just weird?