TMI! Brown discharge at 8 weeks?


Yesterday evening when I wiped, I found a small brown clot-like discharge on the toilet paper similar to the picture below. A little bit more wiping revealed what looked to be brownish EWCM. I put on a panty liner and haven’t seen anything further until just now, a day later, pictured below. Nothing showed up when I originally wiped but when I held the toilet paper there for a little bit, this is what it came away with. It looks a little clotty to me, but could that be because it’s mixed with CM? My confirmation appointment/ultrasound is on Monday so I’m hoping to stick it out until then unless it gets worse. Very mild cramping that’s hardly noticeable. I had an ultrasound at 6 weeks because I was spotting right at 4 weeks and everything looked good from that u/s, with a faint heartbeat that was visible. I had a miscarriage in February at 5w5d and was given the impression that there wasn’t much they could have done.