What a present .....

My BF and I got into a ridiculous argument on Friday morning .... We haven’t talk since then only shared a few words on Saturday and he stop talking to me again.

Yesterday I apologized and said sorry for making him mad and think otherwise. All he said was hmmm and shook his head so I went to bed.

This morning after I left home two hrs passed by and I got a call from him. A call that I have been expecting since he decided not to talk to me like a grown up and give me the silent treatment.

He called me just to tell me that he didn’t liked the fact I was following or giving likes to some gym guy. He proceed to ask me if I did something with him...My answer was no never date, sleep or talk to the guy it was just a hi and bye thing and I met him thru other friend.

He yelled at me that I’m doing “Thirsty hoe” shit by liking and following guys I don’t even fucking know. That he doesn’t like that and I didn’t know that since he does the same thing with females. Moreover he yelled I don’t trust you for doing that and hang up the phone on me like always.

I don’t go out nor go out of my way or do anything behind his back for him to think other wise. All I do it’s work and go home to him always. We always together only time we apart is when we have to go to work since we live together.

He literally broke up with me because of that. I’m so heartbroken but happy at the same time just because I wasn’t me in the relationship, I was always walking on egg shells, constantly fighting on proving myself and defending myself. I’m so exhausted and tired of if.

Happy fucking Birthday to me and welcome 2019!!!

Don’t need his toxic and controlling a&& on my 2019 goals and life 😎