Help please!!


Hi there! My daughter is 5 days old and we are currently breastfeeding. I am feeling absolutely clueless! I really didn’t think it was going to work out so I didn’t do much research while pregnant.

A little bit about daughter was born 11lbs 4oz and has had an appetite from the start! They encouraged me to pump to supplement or use formula while I was in the hospital because she was not satisfied and not producing enough wet diapers. She also is jaundice and has lost 11% of her birth weight. Since we’ve been home, I’ve tried to just feed on demand but her “schedule” is all over the place. I know there isn’t really supposed to be routine just yet but sometimes she will go an hour between feeds and sometimes 4... I’ve tried pumping a couple times but I feel like this always screws up when she nurses, like anytime I’ve pumped she wants to eat immediately and then I have nothing to offer.

Eventually I would like to pump so dad can help with feedings and I will be returning to work when she is 8 weeks so I will need to pump then. When do I start trying to pump? When a routine is more in place? Should I just focus on my milk coming in and feeding on demand right now? Also, she has spit up a few times today after feeding. Nothing alarming but a noticeable amount. Is this normal? Is it just gas or is there something not agreeing with her? She always falls asleep nursing so I’m not the best at burping her. I feel lost!