Rant about underage sex!

Ladies who are 13-16 this one is for you guys! Please educate your self about sex, learn about sex, how it works, how to stay protected before you guys have sex! Ask us ladies who have experience and who know about this stuff, don’t be scared to ask. But also, I advice to wait on sex. Ultimately its your own decision and your going to do what you want. But honestly it’s best to wait. You are in high school or middle school. Focus on school and have fun with your friends! Don’t be In such in a hurry to have sex with a guy! You will regret it when you get older trust me! I know in high school it’s something seen as “cool” but honestly don’t let others peer pressure you especially a guy. I know growing up we all make mistakes it’s totally normal. But I see so many girls on here who are 14-15 yrs old and they want to have sex already and some are freaking out if they might be pregnant. Live your life and have fun with friends. Be adventurous. But wait until you have the proper protection (condoms, birth control), know how sex works and when your ultimately ready to have sex.