Insurance after discharge


So my husband is National guard and was injured on a training over seas 2 years ago. His recovery isn’t going very well and depending on how his appointment with the neurologist goes he may be medically discharged (he is fighting to stay in but I truly don’t think his injury will heal) he meet with a medical board last week and they discussed their concerns. He told them how he loves the military and how screwed we are without tricare and the drill pay checks. the board mentioned that there is a slight possibility that if they medically discharge him the whole family could get tri care still depending how this plays out. I’m so confused I was under the impression that only he could get tri care if he were to be discharged. What is the criteria for the family to still be able to get tri care after a medical discharge? He didn’t ask to many questions on it but I sure have a lot. Anyone have any experience with this? (He has not spoken to the VA or anything I told him he really needs to but the military is paying for all of his medical expenses from this injury so there has not been much need to go through the va yet) we are incredibly stressed worrying about loosing our health insurance