Cramping late period


So I had a miscarriage in September, and we’ve been trying to conceive ever since.. He is in the military and currently just got deployed so we haven’t been able to have sex as much. We had sex about 5 days before ovulation... so I didn’t really think it was possible for me to be pregnant. Because I’m extra lol I did take a test just Incase lol, about 5 days ago, and it was like a faint positive but it went away after like 2 minutes so I thought maybe I was crazy lol.. Anyways, I gave up on it, and was just going to wait for Christmas because he comes home, and that just happens to be around the time I ovulate, but now I have these weird symptoms I’m currently 2 days late, but I’m cramping, and also have like these vaginal cramps, like stabbing pain and there also in my lower back.. they don’t last long, and they come in waves. I’m also creating a lot more saliva, that I’m constantly swallowing and this just started yesterday, My stomach has been feeling queasy, I been slightly nauseous but that’s it. My boobs don’t hurt at all, so should I test again, or maybe it’s my period?