Please take the time to read!! STD

I got my first STD 3 months ago, gonorrhea & chlamydia both together. Got forward 3 months later (the end of November beginning of December) I retreated and the chlamydia was back! Someone had to have given it to me but idk who, anyways I took the medicine and got cured! Felt great to know what normal urination is supposed to feel like!! 3 days that lasted...took a bath the other day and felt uneasy a day ago. Went to planned parenthood turns out I had Bacterial Vaginosis.!! I know something was off, I didn’t feel completely cured. But I have no STDs...idk. I just feel like my vagina will never be back to its normal healthy self! ☹️ I’m 20, and I’m nervous of infertility. All of this in 6 months!? I’m sure the BV probably came from the bath, but now I have no idea what’s normal discharge and what’s not. I used to have the best discharge about a year ago, my vagina was so healthy & now I feel even if I get near someone or sneeze I’ll have a vaginal infection. I legit analyze my urine like crazy now!! & I’m constantly checking my discharge. I usually never have symptoms either. Anyone got stories to tell or feed back or even some advice.