Best friend VS boyfriend HELP

So I've had the same best friend for almost 9 years now.. in that time there are period where we talk all the time everyday, and there are times we don't speak for weeks (just bc adult friendships are busy) well especially with me & my boyfriend getting serious i have had less time to hang. Well I still make it a point to see her & have our girl time, but in addition I invite her and her boyfriend mostly anytime my bf & I are doing something fun.. well she is always been a one upper type of friend, constantly trying to make sure she's better at not only every activity we all do together but always tries to prove her life is better. (I'm use to it, I look past it & still love her & cheer her on when her life is going well) however she recently started being really rude towards my bf like anytime he'll speak she'll roll her eyes or if he says something she'll argue. He's not reacting but it pisses me off. Help what can I do? I love her but I feel like she's always been a jerk & im just realizing bc she's now not only doing it to me she is now doing it to someone else I love..