
Ashley • First time mommy 💖

My baby daddy has it easy he doesn't have to deal with my family me on the other hand I have to deal with his family they are nice to me but theres times where theyre rudeness out weighs their niceness it doesn't matter how nice I am or how much I go out my way if they need something from me or if my baby daddy tells them to be nice to me they will but then out of no where they just get so rude they either talk behind my back or they are just super rude only a few of them are genuinely sweet to me but sometimes I feel like im treated like the ugly step child and im so over it im at my snapping point I just want to spazz out because its not fair that I treat them so nice and they are just so mean and they always have something to say one time I wrote a fb post that I missed my baby daddy bc he is in jail and his sister commented well you should pick up his phone calls but they dont understand how much money is invested in those phone call if it was up to him we would talk 10 times a day and we would be sp broke and then everyone kept telling me how she was so rude for commenting that which it was it made me feel like shit but even after everyones kept calling me asking me if I was ok and them making a comment on how rude she was to me I still stuck up for her and brushed it up even though I knew what she did was rude im just fed up it just makes me feel like shit and it hurts my feelings because I dont do that to them and I dont ever think of doing that to them some people just get lucky when you dont have to deal with family and on top of that I dont like to tell my baby daddy because I dont want him calling them yelling at them or him getting stressed out I just feel like I shouldnt be treated the way im treated when im so genuinely nice sometimes it just makes me not want to be around them but then my baby daddy yells at me if I dont spend time with them I just dont know what to do and needed someone who is bias to vent to because I already know what all my friends are going to say and I dont want to hear that I want to genuinely know how to deal with something like this instead of my friends telling me