So many changes....

Cera • 26. Minnesota. 💏 Mama to Owiyokipi Win 4/5/19. Breastfeeding FTM. 🤱🏽 💞 👶🏾

Lately I’ve been feeling so many physical changes it’s crazy. Since it’s my first I’m definitely not used to it so it’s really playing with my head. I don’t feel cute, let alone sexy. I have a pretty high libido still but my s.o is always tired and just doesn’t want to do the deed as much as I do. I know it’s nothing personal and he always tells me I’m beautiful, but on top of my insecurities I’m trying really hard not to take things so personally. I just feel terrible for being so insecure. I wanted this pregnancy so bad but I just feel unattractive all the time and it’s really unlike me. 🥺