Help! Pushy FIL coming to visit

Sorry in advance for the long post:

FTM 8w5d. My FIL from Hong Kong is coming to visit us in January when I’ll be 15-18 weeks.

He’s obsessed with having grandkids and especially a grandson.

We’re planning on telling the in-laws at 20 weeks when things are really settled, but I have no idea how much I’ll be showing.

I’m so excited to be a mom and am not ashamed at all of my body. The reason I want to hide it from FIL while he’s here is that I know he’ll try to control my life. I’m self employed and work from home. I know he’ll tell me what I should be doing/eating/not doing etc etc. And it would drive me crazy.

Anyone else out there with similar experiences and/or have any ideas?

My husband is 100% behind me on this but I’m terrified.

Amazing mamas I’d love to hear from you!