He is an alcoholic


So my father would drink and got drunk only in special occasions..

Some family reunion

Sombodby close is getting married..

And those kind of stuff.

But since 2014 when we found out my mom has breast cancer that is spred all over her bons and lungs but she has been hidding it from us my dad is seirous alcoholic.

He is drunk 5 days out of 7.

When my brother and him get into some deal like: doing smthg around the house,finish the apartment we are decorating

My brother calls him, and dad ony hangs up on him constantly, so my brother does the things by himself, but since my brother isn't an expert and those stuff are tough he can't do it all by himself.

Once dad called a constructor to help them too and dad didn't show up, so my brother needed to left his stuff to go with a constructor and solve things.

And if I make some deal with my dad he says to me I'll be home for about an hour wait I'll take you..

I wait hours and he never shows up, and constantly hangs up on me, becsuse he is drinking.

My mom is so sad, I don't know what to do.

We don't even live with him anymore, we moved to our aunts house because she lives alone and my mom needs some peace.

When he doesn't drink he is good father and he does all his chorces but lately I don't think that hapend so often.

I don't know how to help him anymore.