Got blocked after the first date ??

So I went on a date with this guy who I knew briefly from high school (like I know he went to my same high school but I never talked to him) and he has been trying for a while to go out with me so last night I finally said okay. So I got ready and we went to a bar . He was acting kind of weird all night like he was on drugs or something ..something was just off I’m not sure what . Then when he went to drop me off we didn’t kiss which is fine because I haven’t kissed on the first date in the past. This morning I got ready to go to work and I see that I’m blocked or more specifically removed as a friend on Snapchat . I haven’t tried texting or calling him cause honestly I don’t care enough about him that it really effects me that bad, but why do you think it could have been ? I am a bigger girl I guess (205lbs) but he’s seen my body because I’ve posted full body pics on Snapchat and elsewhere? Do you think it could be physical or the fact we didn’t click? And why not just tell me to my face?