my vagina has a strong smell but I’m clean.

Im going to give lots of details because I need any and all the advice I can get. I want all factors taken into consideration. I’m in college so I get checked twice a semester even though Ive only had one partner for the past year. I have no std’s and yet my vagina gives me a lot of daily discharge and smells, strong enough to the point I can smell it on me sometimes. My only solution has been to shower and change underwear even though I don’t believe it’s due to hygiene. I went to the clinic and they treated me for a yeast infection but weren’t sure if that’s what it was.. long story short I saw no change so that’s checked. If I’m all healthy what else should I do It’s embarrassing to me because I’m not sure if anyone else can smell it I’m always over cautious and wear liners. I know vaginas have a smell but it wasn’t always like this. My doctor told me I have a hormone imbalance before last semester started so I’m supposed to start birth control I don’t know if or how that could be related. I have extra testosterone but not a lot just over the average. I don’t wash with soaps down there and I only drink water with an occasional lemonade. I think that’s all I need to mention it doesn’t bother my partner but it sure bothers me and I could use any tips or comments at this point!