How normal is this? Help with navigating hormones.


I gave birth 5 days ago to an amazing little girl who I love with all my heart.

But my birth was not easy. I had a c-section after being in the hospital for 3 days with severe preeclampsia. I was terrified of that happening my entire pregnancy and well it did. Now I’m just a mess of emotions and a bad case of anxiety.

I just wish I knew what I was feeling was normal, these hormones are just making me feel so afraid of everything and giving me a lot of weird sensations that also give me anxiety. Like: Night Sweats, blurryish vision, very very vivid dreams, and a sensation that sometimes I’m not in my body. I hope this goes away and eventually gets better. Any other first time moms struggle with recovery and hormones? Any moms out there at the end of the fog and can reassure me that these feeling pass and eventually I will feel like me own self?
