The Ghost gunner


I am curently watching "dark net" on netflix and there is this guy who first uploaded plans for 3D printers, so that people could print their own guns. And of course it was shut down and he was forced to remove the plans.

But now he is making mashines that will let people make real weapons. All they have to do is buy a few things that they can easily get online and they can build their own AK47.

They have sold about 500 of these already. And keep in mind, that these self made guns dont have cerial numbers, so they are not traceable.

What are your thoughts on this?

I think hes back crap cazy!! And Im so that I dont live in the US with people like this. And I dont understand why the goverment is not stopping this.

He is literally making untracable guns!!!

Well anyway feel free to comment your opinion.

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