Need Advice

I'm really starting to get discouraged. And I don't even think I get pregnant anymore. I been having uterus cramps for the past week, went to the doctor yesterday and he told me I wasn't pregnant , was really rude about it. I'm honestly thinking about switching doctors because he's telling me since I'm 21 I don't need anymore children. But I feel like it's my life I live it the way I want! He said if I was gonna get pregnant I would've been by now. But idk. I told him my last period was 4days and that's not normal for me, told him about the pains I was having and suggested I come back another time?? Like wth. & then he had the nerve to offer a blood test but stated but I know your not pregnant. Really pissed me off! If I'm not pregnant what is going on??? Everyone I talk to thinks I'm just cramping bc I'm coming on my period. But that doesn't start until the 26th.,anybody, somebody..I need help 😔