I was wondering...

Here’s the thing. I’m not a member of this group yet but I have a couple questions. I’m asking because everyone I know who had their tubes tied either got pregnant or had serious complications. I’m considering getting my tubes tied after this baby IF it’s a boy. My SO doesn’t care either way, but it’ll be our 4th girl if it’s a girl & I really want to give him a son. That being said, for those who’ve had their tubes tied, how bad was it & were there any complications like excessive period bleeding or internal problems or it not working or constant pain or what? I’m due June 26th but I have to have a c-section at 38 weeks because my daughter almost killed me doing a VBAC and she came way too fast. Doctor couldn’t even make it and he was only five minutes away. I had to have meds to clot my blood & my PP bleeding didn’t stop for 3 months (which is abnormal according to my new OB.) Again back to the primary question: What if any complications did you gave after tubal ligation? Thank you.