Please help plesseeee and please read below !

Alissa ❤️🧚🏻🙏🏻

So I got my “ period “ on the 5th of this month it was not a normal period , it was dark and pink spotting and only lasted at the most of 3 days , a few days before that my boobs started to hurt and have not stopped hurting . I took a pregnancy test negative a few days later my husband and I had sex and he asked if I was pregnant Bc my cervix felt like it was and he said it felt like this when I was pregnant with our son . I have had a lot of signs of pregnancy tired , Nasua , headaches constipation not really hungry . Today I’m super bloated and have had ligament pains for a few days and on and off on both ovaries tonight . I have taken probably like 20 pregnancy tests and only got two faint positives . I went and got a blood test today and they said it was negative 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️. I know I’m gonna just have to wait and see now until my next period . Which is New Years . I’m so frustrated though . Bc my body is telling me yes but the tests are not 😩😩😩. I refuse to take another test until a missed period . Im so frustrated. Like is what my period a miscarriage? Or why do my boobs hurt still and why am I having period cramps a week after what was supposed to be my period ?! I have never felt so annoyed in my life . And I’m just depressed and lost and wanna know . My son it did take about almost a month to get a positive a clear positive test and I found out very early. And yes I’ve taken first response, and every brand almost of tests except digital.

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